If you intend coming to camp as a helper, PLEASE
PLEASE get in touch and let us know as soon as possible.
Dates for this year are 24th - 31st May 2025.
We can only accept campers (disabled participants)
once we are certain we have enough helpers to look after them.
If no one lets us know until a couple of weeks before, there will
be no camp!
Apply as a HELPER now
Watch a few videos
Two Damned Good Eggs Part 1
Tow Damned Good Eggs Part 2
Little Bits of Trekkers Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
This site has been set up
to provide you with easy access to information about
Trekkers Camp held at Woodlarks in Farnham, Surrey.
You should
find everything here, giving you all the information you need about what to bring,
what you will be doing etc. enabling you to have an enjoyable holiday.
Please explore all the pages and if there is anything you cannot find
or would like to see here...

Campers' Field
Ain't Heavy"
To hear the Trekkers
Please browse all pages
on this site by clicking the links on the left-hand side.
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