Dearest Gentle Reader,
The social season will soon be upon us.
This author finds themselves compelled to share the most exciting of news.
The Trekkers ‘Ton’ is abuzz with the latest gossip and so it is my honour to impart it to you; who knows what mischief and mayhem will occur.
This author has been reliably informed that the end of Camp ‘Masked Ball’ will be well attended and promises to be the most splendid social gathering of the season. The immersive soiree will see you wine and dine with esteemed members of the Trekkers Ton (Yes even you Anthony Welham!) as you partake in an evening of music, dancing and perhaps other less refined activities.
Have no fear gentle reader, yours truly shall attend but whilst you and especially our Illustrious Leader Glenn will be searching for me to no avail, you can be certain that I most definitely will be watching all of you and will be bringing news of every infraction of Ton rules to the attention of the appropriate authority! Because whilst you may not be able to spot me in the crowd, I shall most definitely be keeping an eye on you!
There will be music, dancing, crafts, a beautiful dressage event, a sumptuous picnic on the lawn and possibly the occasional duel at the crack of Dawn!! (Giggidy!)
However, gentle reader, before you set the comments section alight with requests for more sordid details know that I am disciplined to report only on these particulars at this time, patience after all is a virtue.
So, Ladies gather your finest attire, and Gentlemen trim those whiskers and prepare yourselves for another wondrous week where we will hopefully also choose our gracious Diamond of the week and most Eligible Bachelor. (Don’t hold your breath, Anthony!)
Yours Truly,
Penelope Whistledown