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Camping Holidays for Disabled People
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About Woodlarks Campsite

Woodlarks was established in 1930 and since then has provided accessible camping for people with all kind of disabilities. Children and adults alike come to Woodlarks to experience new things, and leave often having exceeded their own expectations. 

Here people discover unknown skills and abilities, have adventures and make new friends in an environment designed to meet their individual needs. The week-long camps start in early May and run until late September. Most people sleep in tents but for those unable to sleep under canvas there is indoor accommodation. A number of large tents have wooden floors so that a hoist may be used in it and power points for breathing apparatus etc. Bathrooms, showers and toilets are easily accessible to wheelchair users, and a spacious indoor dining / leisure area will ensure you enjoy Woodlarks whatever the weather.

You're not going to go hungry at Woodlarks either - the cookhouse has a wood-burning trench oven, which is situated next to a well equipped food preparation area. There are laundry facilities including a commercial washing machine and drier should you require it. 

Each camp is organised by an experienced camp leader with the help of a team of committed and enthusiastic volunteers. Everyone who needs care or assistance has their own helper to support them through their holiday.

Some helpers come from the Guide and Scout movements, and many students choose to spend part of their summer vacation at Woodlarks, going on to return time and again saying that camp is one of the most fun and rewarding weeks of the year.

CLICK HERE to visit the Woodlarks Campsite Trust Website.

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